Creating Spaces for Emerging Peacebuilders at the Community College Level
Katie Zanoni
Questioning the dominant paradigm of thinking that has shaped the reality that we live in offers a powerful opportunity. When I zoom outside of my own reality, I recognize the myriad dichotomies that have shaped my positionality within these socially constructed boundaries. The dichotomy of peace and war is one duality that if given space and time to explore can inhabit discussions around everything in between: nonviolence, social justice, human rights, conflict transformation, sustainability and so much more. What would emerge if additional academic environments were available to consider what possibilities might be imagined between and beyond the false binary of peace and war? Would future peacebuilders discover a world that is neither utopian in nature nor bellicose in spirit? As a peace and human rights educator, I was invited to delve into similar questions through my role of co-creating a new Peace Studies (1) Associate degree at San Diego City College (SDCC), a community college that serves an estimated 16,000 students in southern California (Fact Book: City College, 2014). This experience allowed us to sow seeds of institutional change to advance a curriculum steeped in critical pedagogy to explore foundational concepts in Peace Studies and awaken our collective moral imagination to surpass our existing understanding of war and peace (Lederach, 2005). (2)
The germination of these seeds has resulted in two crucial accomplishments. The first is the creation of the only approved Peace Studies Associate Degree in California. The second is that Peace Studies is now a recognized discipline as authorized by the California Academic Senate for Community Colleges. According to research conducted by David Smith, author of Peacebuilding in Community Colleges (2013), SDCC is one of twenty-one campuses in the United States with a similar program. As Smith points out, there are close to 1,200 community colleges in this country. With almost ten percent of those colleges housed in the state of California, these achievements could serve as a viable path for other colleges to institute a similar initiative. To this end, I offer a brief summary of the process we took at SDCC and a summary of a recent visioning exercise that took place at the 2014 Peace and Justice Studies Association (PJSA) conference. The following steps highlight how we gained campus, district and statewide support for our Peace Studies Associate Degree.
Peace Studies Program at San Diego City College
Required courses from other disciplines: Issues in Environmental Biology; Introduction To Philosophy: Values; Introduction to Cultural Anthropology; Contemporary International Politics; and Introduction to Literature.New Peace Studies courses (number of students enrolled from 2009-2014): Introduction to Peace Studies (389 students); Nonviolence and Conflict Resolution (261 students); Environmental Sustainability, Justice and Ethics (217); and Field Experience in Peace Studies.
(Data collected from San Diego City College records and from http://www.sdcity.edu/PeaceStudies
Step 1: Create an interdisciplinary Peace Studies Curriculum Advisory Committee.
Our team represented faculty from an Anthropological, Philosophical, Biological, Literary, and Peace Studies perspective. In 2001, the faculty initiated the development of this program and drew on the strength of an inter-departmental curriculum committee to establish institutional alliances among other faculty, administrators, and students on campus. In addition to creating the foundation for an authentically interdisciplinary program, our committee members supported this budding initiative during critical budget cuts. This unified voice was supported by the former campus President and resulted in a multilevel effort to launch the program.
Step 2: Survey existing courses at four-year institutions of higher education and community college campuses.
This process offers multiple outcomes including the establishment of sound curriculum, the creation of a network of peace educators, and a survey of where similar courses might articulate into four-year academic institutions. Articulation is vital to the success of a newly developed program at a community college. Our curriculum committee was advised that 80% of the courses in our proposed major should articulate with at least three four-year institutions. While all of the abovementioned outcomes are equally valued, the last point regarding articulation requires more discussion among educators in higher education to collaborate on the development of rising Peace Studies programs at the community college level.
The committee carefully considered existing courses and researched our own disciplines to engage in rich discussions about what would be included and what would be articulated. The campus curriculum committee advised us that the course focused on environmental sustainability was more appropriate as an upper division level and belonged to the four-year institutions. This led the committee to ask the critical question of what structural blockages exist in originating new and innovative curriculum as a community college. Infusing issues of ecology, sustainability, and environmental ethics was crucial to our committee and when this course was criticized based upon the premise that it may not articulate, we were faced with a difficult decision. Do we follow the academic trends of our receiving institutions or do we generate opportunities for our students to engage in relevant content? This conversation deserves more attention and is a area of exploration in connecting four-year institutions to community colleges to create more transfer pipelines and engage in a deeper pedagogical inquiry about generating new curriculum in higher education.
Step 3: Institutionalize the program, courses and the discipline.
Each semester our committee was presented with frightening statistics of classes being cut and concerns that our program might be scaled back. Our committee took great lengths at promoting our program among our student body, within our community, our campus and our state. However, a paradoxical issue arose that further threatened our program. According to some interpretations, one with a Masters Degree in Peace Studies was not eligible to teach Peace Studies due to the fact that it was not a recognized discipline as determined by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges. In order to remedy this issue, our committee proposed a resolution in 2010 and in 2012 to the Academic Senate to have Peace Studies added to the discipline list to avoid further confusion. After the initial proposal was denied in 2010, we revised and resubmitted our proposal and received overwhelming support that resulted in the approval of the discipline in April of 2013.
This step represents a significant success for several reasons. In 2012, there were at least seventeen colleges in California offering courses with the term “peace” included in the title. With a new Peace Studies discipline, faculty can hire academics with a graduate degree in Peace Studies or the equivalent to teach these courses. The benefit of this development is that the creation of a new discipline does not preclude a college from hiring a Political Scientist to teach a Peace Studies course housed in the Political Science department. In the contrary, it offers the freedom to increase the hiring pool to include professors with a Peace Studies graduate degree. A second benefit is that community colleges hoping to design similar initiatives can lean on the credibility that comes with establishing a stand-alone discipline. Graduates from Peace Studies can continue to be recognized as experts in the field thus resulting in a broader range of peace educators in the academy.
Step 4: Create a preferred future for the Peace Studies program at SDCC
Drawing from the work of Elise Boulding, a visioning workshop was presented at the 2014 PJSA conference to identify how the degree program could be expanded, further institutionalized, and duplicated. The visioning exercise was co-facilitated to address limitations and invite new recommendations for Peace Studies programming in California. The visioning exercise was organized around the following inquiry: What strategies can be used to increase awareness and build community to strengthen Peace Studies programming within higher education in California? Participants brainstormed ideas in small groups using the backcasting model to “create a preferred image of the state of Peace Studies at the college level in California in 2050” (Bodinet & Zanoni, 2014). The conversations resulted in ideas that included, 1) the need to institutionalize Peace Studies within formal schooling in the United States from kindergarten through to the collegiate level, 2) the recommendation to gain support on a national, state, and district wide policy level to recognize Peace Studies as a viable and necessary component to our educational system (3), and 3) the desire to integrate topics related to Peace Studies within existing disciplines in the formal educational system in the United States. Indeed, this is just the beginning of a larger conversation that we wish to open up to all stakeholders invested in creating educational spaces where our minds and hearts are opened to invite social action toward transformation to consider a world where sustainable positive peace is possible.
(1) For the purpose of this article, Peace Studies is the discipline referred to throughout and encompasses all related programs within the umbrella of Peace and Conflict Studies.
(2) According to John Paul Lederach (2005), the moral imagination is the “capacity to imagine something rooted in the challenges of the real world yet capable of giving birth to that which does not yet exist” (p. ix).
(3) Examples from the Philippines, Costa Rica, and Kenya can be drawn from to review national policy that have included language on peace education.
– Bodinet, J. & Zanoni, K. (2014). “Institutionalizing Peace Studies at San Diego Community College”. Workshop at the Peace and Justice Studies Association Conference on “Courageous Presence”, San Diego, CA.
– Fact Book: City College. (2014). Retrieved from http://research.sdccd.edu/docs/Research Reports/College and District Fact Books/2014/Fact_Book_City_2014.pdf
– Lederach, J. P. (2005). The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace. Oxford, MA: Oxford University Press.
– Smith, D. (2013). Peacebuilding in Community Colleges: A Teaching Resource. Washington DC: United States Institute of Peace Press.
About the Author:
Katie Zanoni served as the Peace Studies Curriculum Advisory Chair at San Diego City College from 2007-2013 and is currently pursuing a doctorate degree at the University of San Francisco in International and Multicultural Education with a concentration in Human Rights Education. For more information about the SDCC Peace Studies program or to join the conversation to envision the further institutionalization of Peace Studies in formal educational settings at the Community College, please contact Katiezanoni@gmail.com.
Portions of this article appeared in the Peace and Justice Studies Association Newsletter (Winter 2014) under the title, “Community Colleges: A Home for Future Peacebuilders” by Katie Zanoni and were edited and updated for this publication.
Modern Slavery: Rampant and Egregious Violation of Human Rights
by Caroline Fidan Tyler Doenmez
with an Introduction by Betty Reardon
A recent report on forced labor in the cotton fields of Uzbekistan illuminates a major human rights issue in the present world economy and recalls the conditions which two centuries ago came to be seen as a grievous shame upon human society. The shame led many nations to abolish serfdom, slavery and bonded labor. The beliefs that human beings should never be claimed as property, that their labor should be justly compensated and freely chosen became core principles of the international standards of the emerging global community.
Yet slavery in multiple forms persists as a major obstacle to the pursuit of the realization of universal human rights. One form of modern slavery that has inspired outrage and action among feminist human rights and peace advocates is sexual slavery and the human trafficking through which it is made possible. Particular concerns of these advocates are the sexual slavery and human trafficking recognized among the multiple forms of military violence against women. (See Statement on Military Violence against Women) They seek not only means to free enslaved women, but also to bring to justice those who have enslaved, exploited and abused them.
Among the advocates are peace educators who address these crimes in their courses and in the activities of civil society. This newsletter provides materials for studies leading to action in pursuit of legal criminal accountability of the perpetrators. The research on this topic conducted by Caroline Doenmez posted with this issue of the GCPE Newsletter is one such material. Others have been previously posted and will follow with future issues. Readers may reference the paper here.
Where in the World to Study Peace Education? Help us Build a Global Directory
The Global Campaign for Peace Education, in partnership with the International Institute on Peace Education and the National Peace Academy, is conducting a survey to inventory programs, courses, and workshops in peace education. We need your help to build this inventory. If you are running a program, teaching a course, or are currently a student studying peace education, or have the necessary information about such a program, please take a few moments to complete our online form.
International Song Contest Against Gun Violence
Do you know musically talented young people or groups who are committed to ending gun violence? Encourage them to enter the international song contest against weapons! An IANSA member group in Germany, Aktionsbündnis Amoklauf, along with the youth group KJR Rems Murr, have announced an international contest for songs against guns and violence to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the 2009 school shooting in the town of Winnenden. Aktionsbündnis Amoklauf- Stiftung gegen Gewalt an Schulen (Foundation Against Violence in Schools) is the group formed by the families of the victims killed in the shooting. The contest is open to young artists, bands and musical groups aged 26 or under from all parts of the world, and songs can be in any language. A jury of industry professionals will choose 10 finalists to perform their songs on 17 December 2014 in the Hermann-Schwab Hall in Winnenden. Prizes include cash, a worldwide CD release, a performance in the “Welcome to Europe” contest at the Europa Park resort, and a recording and mixing of the winning song in a professional recording studio. The deadline for entries is 30 November 2014.
Ferguson and Peace Education: Developing Moral Imagination and Capacities for Peace and Political Efficacy
(David Ragland) While going between Ferguson, New York and Pennsylvania since Early August, one of the protest chants from Ferguson stuck with me: “The whole damn system is guilty as hell the whole damn system is guilty as hell.” As a peace learner and educator, I cannot but help to reflect on that statement, especially in the wake of what has become an all but forgone conclusion that a non-indictment of Darren Wilson is coming. In that protest statement, we are all implicated, as we each benefit from different kinds of privileges, while simultaneously experiencing indignities related to our identities and rooted in structural violence and injustice. In that we are all connected. Ferguson has been building for sometime now and we are immersed in this epochal time that seems to be a cavalcade of controversy and tragic events erupting in protests, police and military repression and news of ‘unrest’ from around the world. Click above to read more…
Spend less on arms, more on schools, says Nobel laureate Satyarthi
NEW DELHI (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Countries around the world should cut their defence budgets and invest in education if child labour is to be eradicated, said Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi. The 60-year-old was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize this month with Malala Yousafzai of Pakistan for their struggle against the oppression of children. “The world has been able to produce more guns and weapons and bullets, than the books and toys which are needed for children,” Satyarthi told a news conference late on Monday. “Do we need what people call ‘defence’, but what I see as an offence? We should spend more money, even out of our defence budgets, and we must give children a good education globally.”The bearded, bespectacled Satyarthi – who also started a civil society movement called the Global Campaign for Education – said the cycle of illiteracy, poverty and child labour could be broken by sending children to school. “We need more global political will. It is a matter of global funding and financing for children’s education, for their health, for their betterment,” said the softly-spoken child rights activist. “What we need is about $18 billion additional dollars to educate all the children in the world. That is less than three days of military expenditure.”
UNESCO head Irina Bokova: The Nobel Prize is especially important today with 58 million children out of school
(standartnews.com) “The award of the Peace Prize to these two ardent defenders of education sends out a resounding message to the world on the importance of education for building peaceful and sustainable societies,” said Irina Bokova, the UNESCO Director-General in relation to the awarding of Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzay with the Nobel Peace Prize “for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education.” This Nobel Peace Prize recognizes the power of education for peace. Education is essential for human dignity and fulfilment, for more resilient societies, and for inclusive sustainable development. These are the foundations for lasting peace, as expressed in the UNESCO Constitution, almost 70 years ago.
6 Teachable Lessons From 2014 Nobel Peace Prize Winners
(Huffington Post) Read the entire Nobel Peace Prize announcement, to learn the thinking behind the choice, where it’s explained the award goes to: “Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzay for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education. … The Nobel Committee regards it as an important point for a Hindu and a Muslim, an Indian and a Pakistani, to join in a common struggle for education and against extremism.” This choice carries important lessons for thinking about the ingredients for peace…
Building Peace Through Education In Pakistan
Awarding this year’s Nobel Peace Prize to Malala Youzafzai is a glimmer of hope for building lasting peace in Pakistan through quality liberal education. The Pakistani teenager paid a heavy price for speaking out about Taliban atrocities in her home district of Swat, part of the volatile northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, when she survived a Taliban assassination attempt in 2012. Malala’s inspiring story has attracted global attention, but I feel a key lesson of her struggle often gets less attention. The lesson is that all the weapons and military might in the world will not restore peace to Pakistan unless it partners with the world to invest in an education sector capable of teaching the country’s tens of millions of students a new worldview and skills compatible with the contemporary economy and global currents.
United Movement to End Child Soldiering Reaches Major Milestones with Sponsored War-Affected Student Graduations
On 26th October 2013, UMECS reached major milestones in our Northern Uganda Education Programme (NUEP): University graduations and multiple graduations in a wide diversity of career fields. The Northern Uganda Education Programme sponsors 111 war and poverty affected youth in secondary school through higher education graduation. Although other sponsored students have completed their higher education programmes in previous years and now serve their communities in diverse career fields, October 26th marks the first of our sponsored students who graduated from university. Many more are on university campuses at Gulu University, Kyambogo University and Makerere University – and in the higher education pipeline. The Northern Uganda Education Programme demonstrates that war-affected children and youth neither are stereotypical “walking time bombs” nor are they stuck in the role of victim. Instead, war-affected children and youth, including former child soldiers, bounce back from their ordeals through their resilience if given a chance. That chance is education and rehabilitation. Likewise, war-affected youth take life seriously and are forward-thinking. They have endured war and believe in peace. They have seen war devastate their communities and believe in development. They do not take life – or their educations – for granted. They believe that “with education comes responsibility” and believe in educating their families, developing their communities and serving as role models.
Reflections on Transformative Education: Toward Peace Learning Systems
(Arthur Romano, Kosmos Journal) Education and individual transformation always take place in a larger systemic context. This is especially significant for those of us who are interested in preventing violence and playing a role in transforming oppressive social conditions that give rise to violence because it places the educator in a position that demands social action in addition to and as a part of the teaching role. In other words, as the social conditions change, so do the educational possibilities; likewise, as individuals engage in transformative learning, their ideas of what kinds of education and community are possible also shift. If a student goes to a school where there are frequent rocket blasts and where their school could potentially be targeted, this impacts their learning, worldview, sense of hope, and ability to act as peacebuilders. If we stop the immediate violence, new fields of possibilities can emerge for that person.
Peace and Education: The Role of Peace Studies in a War Torn Environment
(blog: reflexionespolitica.wordpress.com) Understanding and addressing social conflict through education is a delicate and tangled matter. Both education and conflict are social “enterprises” (as they are called by Pamela All) and as such they contribute simultaneously to societal interactions. An education system can act as a depository for a conflict, keeping alive memories and offering a battleground where different sides compete over narratives and historiography. At the same time as Burns and Aspelagh stress out “education often embodies an active orientation whereby education is seen as powerful engine of social change.” Speaking of education as a closed system or a particular activity framed in a single institution is quite constraining. Such social dynamic is understood, sociologically speaking, as the life-long experience encompassing every member of a social group. Every individual is implicitly both, deliverer and receiver, of an educational in-put during social interactions. Even though it will be highly interesting to face this matter under such a perspective, in order to keep the topic more down-to-heart, we will go through our dissertation dealing with the role of peace and war studies in a war-torn environment…
Nigeria: National Open University of Nigeria VC Challenges Academia On Nigeria’s Problems
Vice-Chancellor, National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Professor Ado Tenebe has challenged the academia on the need to rise up and provide solutions to the various challenges facing the country. Addressing participants at the 1st 2014 Annual Conference organized by the University’s School of Education with the theme, “Education for Peace and Development”, Professor Tenebe explained that since the current state of the country is about restiveness and unrest, it has become imperative for the academia to brace up by providing a roadmap for addressing the issues. “It is therefore, with a deep sense of responsibility as a stakeholder, a builder and trainer that I call on the academia to rise up and take up the challenge of providing a clear road map for addressing the various problems besetting Nigeria and pulling the country back from progress and development. “Nigeria’s recovery, progress and development cannot be left in the hands of our politicians and political leaders alone. The academia must be fully involved. We in the academia must take it upon ourselves to contribute ideas and proffer pathways in the hope that those at the helm of our affairs will listen and bring about the change Nigeria needs before it is too late,” he added.
Kakuma Project Seeks to Enhance Education Opportunities (Kenya)
(AllAfrica.com) More than 70,000 people in and around Kenya’s Kakuma refugee camp are expected to benefit from a four-year pilot educational programme launched in Doha on Wednesday (November 5th) by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and Education Above All (EAA). The initiative will offer educational opportunities for all ages, including early childhood education, vocational training and literacy classes. It also will offer peace education, sports and other extra-curricular activities.
A Path to Dignity: The Power of Human Rights Education
“A Path to Dignity: The Power of Human Rights Education” is a 28-minute movie that presents three stories illustrating the impact of human rights education respectively on school children (India), law enforcement agencies (Australia) and women victims of violence (Turkey). Human Rights Education Associates (HREA), Soka Gakkai International (SGI) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) have jointly produced this film as a tool to raise awareness about the positive role that human rights education can play in fulfilling human rights. A key message is that „one person can make a difference‰ in solving problems in society. Human rights education can transform people‚s lives, empowering individuals on a path to dignity and bring about positive change in their respective communities and societies. In this sense, human rights education plays a fundamental role in ensuring equality and equal opportunities, combating discrimination and preventing human rights violations. The film can be watched for free online.
Armene Modi: Empowering Young Women Through Education in Rural India
Armene Modi has been empowering young women in rural India through her organization Ashta No Kai. Rather than employing a microcredit scheme, Modi relies on a Self Help Group (SHG) approach which she suggests is a more “effective means of empowering poor women, and developing their leadership capabilities.” Modi has been involved in the global peace education movement and hosted the 2000 International Institute on Peace Education in Pune, India.
Reflecting on Peace Education with “Somos CaPAZes” (Colombia)
Over the period of seven months, I was part of “Somos CaPAZes,” an NGO consisting of students and young professionals who work with disadvantaged children in Bogotá. More precisely, we worked in peace education in Ciudad Bolívar, the poorest part of Colombia’s capital Bogotá. Somos CaPAZes translates into English like “We can” or “We are able to” whereby it is purposefully writing a z in capaces, thus including peace in its name. The NGO wants to give children a new outlook on the world and escape their reality that is often characterized by violence. At the same time it also provides a space for young Bogotanos from the northern part of the city to get to know another social reality of their city. The program of Somos CaPAZes is based on PEACE (Playful Explorations in Active Conflict-resolution Education) that was developed by universities in the U.S. and Canada and was translated into Spanish and adapted to the Colombian context.
UN High-Level Reception Highlights the Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Provision of Education for Sustainable Development
Education, along with few other factors, has been the centerpiece of the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda. During the evaluation period of the successes of the Millennium Development Goals, it was obvious that even though the number of children attending schools significantly increased, the higher education they got did not meet the standards of the contemporary world and labor markets. On 25 September 2014, Peace Islands Institute hosted UN High-Level Reception in partnership with the Journalists and Writers Foundation during the United Nations General Assembly‚s 69th Session. During the reception, many guest speakers emphasized the role of quality education in achieving economic development, social inclusion, environmental sustainability and good governance. The UN Post-2015 Development Agenda encourages member states to make education more accessible and to equip schools with qualified teachers.
Education Above All Launches Multi-Sector Education Project in Kenyan Refugee Camp
(UNHCR: The UN Refugee Agency) As part of its ongoing effort to address barriers to education worldwide, Education Above All (EAA) today announced with UNHCR, the launch of a four-year, holistic education pilot project in the Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya. Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson of Education Above All, participated in the launch. The project, which is centered on the concept of lifelong learning, will offer educational interventions from early childhood education to vocational training and literacy classes that are designed to meet the learning needs of each individual regardless of age, background or special need. The project will also feature peace education programmes, sports and extra-curricular activities to benefit both refugees and Kenyan nationals in the surrounding community, further solidifying peaceful coexistence and enhancing protection in the region.
Peace Counts Academy, 21-25th October 2014, Pinewood,Shillong, Meghalaya, India
The Peace Counts Academy ( PCA) held from 21-25th Oct 2014,concluded with 20 participants receiving the certification as multipliers . The Peace Counts Approaches are set to be introduced in the course curriculum for Peace and Conflict studies and it will bring a new breathe of freshness and inspirations to the peacebuilders in the region. The facilitators included Anne Romund from Germany, Jasna Bastic, Switzerland and Leban Serto, India. The 5 days TOT culminated with the presence of Michael Gleich the founder of the Peace Counts on the 25th Oct 2014 at Pinewood, Shillong, Meghalaya, India.
Soccer with a twist to promote peace (Shillong, India)
Shillong, Oct. 25: Kick the football as a kick-off to building of bridges instead of walls between the Northeast and mainland India. But this is not the ”conventional” soccer match; it is a different game altogether with different rules, emanating from Colombia. This is what some of those who have been trained at the five-day Peace Counts Academy (PCA) programme here are contemplating to do in New Delhi where alleged racist attacks on people hailing from this part of the country have taken place. The PCA is a continuation and scaling up of peace trainers in the Northeast where founder of Peace Counts, Michael Gleich from Germany, was also a part of the team. Training was imparted to around 20 young people, who would, in turn, train others by adopting the multiplier effect. A group of students from the Northeast pursuing their studies in Delhi were inspired by ”Peace through Soccer,” which was promoted in one of the most violent cities in South America ˜ Medellain Colombia, following several cases of alleged racist attacks on people from this region in the metros.
Peace Channel hosts event “Inspiring Change Towards a Violence Free World” (Nagaland, India)
With the objective of preventing conflicts by engaging, empowering and enabling the youth as peace builders, the Peace Channel of Kiphire district organized a one-day peace and cultural celebration recently at Saramati High School Campus with the theme: “Inspiring change towards a violence free world.”
Ifugao undertakes peace advocacy campaign (Philippines)
The Provincial Government through Governor Denis Habawel is currently spearheading a one year peace campaign and advocacy that started last September 2, 2014. The program shall inform, educate and raise awareness of all sectors in the province on the values of peace, public order and citizen responsibility to build partnership for peace and development among all sectors of society in the province. It shall also develop modules on peace education for use in the schools and communities.
Peace Education is the Lasting Solution to our Problems (Nagaland, India)
In the present context where Naga society is undergoing conflict situation, youth are called to be peace builders and agents of peace in our families and communities. With the objective of preventing conflicts by engaging, empowering and enabling the youth as peace builders, the Peace Channel family of Kiphire district organized a one day peace and cultural celebration recently at Saramati High School Campus, Kiphire, with the theme “Inspiring Change Towards a Violence Free World.”
Please note that only newly submitted events will contain a full description. All events & conferences that have been previously published in the newsletter will be listed by date with a link to follow for more information.
International Institute on Peace Education 2015. The University of Toledo – Toledo, Ohio USA (July 26 – August 2, 2015)
The International Institute on Peace Education (IIPE) is an applied peace education laboratory that provides a space for pedagogical experimentation; cooperative, deep inquiry into shared issues; and advancing theoretical, practical and pedagogical applications. IIPE 2015 participants, many whom will be drawn from North America, will join with representatives from other world regions in an experience that embodies the practices and principles of critical, participatory peace pedagogy. The residential learning exchange helps to build global community and solidarity; illuminate diverse views; facilitate an exploration of educational applications; and assess possibilities for practical steps toward addressing the theme of “Education for Urban Renewal toward Social & Ecological Justice: Peace Education in an Era of Globalization.” Application deadline: April 15, 2015.
Call for papers – 2nd International Conference on Gender, Peace, Education and Development – Vivek College of Education, Bijnor, India (November 29-30, 2014)
For more information click on the link above. (Paper proposals due October 25, 2014.)
Call for papers – 5th International Human Rights Education Conference on the theme, “Advancing UNiversal Human Rights Culture” – American University, Washington, DC, USA (December 4-6, 2014)
For more information click on the link above.
Call for Papers – Peace as a Global Language Conference (PGL 2014) on the theme: “Conflict Management: Peace in the Community” – Kobe Gakuin University, Japan (December 6-7, 2014)
For more information click on the link above.
Call for Proposals – 5th International Conference on “Livelihoods, Sustainability, and Conflict” – Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA, USA (April 17-18, 2015)
For more information click on the link above.
22nd EUROCLIO Annual Conference: focus on roles and conducting of democracy in History Education – Elsinore, Denmark (April 20-25, 2015)
For more information click on the link above.
Call for Papers – International Congress on Communication, Civil Society and Social Change: V Forum Education, Communication and Citizenship; XX years of the Master in International Studies in Peace, Conflicts and Development – University Jaume I (UJI) of Castellón, Spain (May 20-22, 2015)
For more information click on the link above.
Women and Peacebuilding – Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg, Canada (June 15-19, 2015)
Join us for “Women and Peacebuilding” at the 2015 Canadian School of Peacebuilding with instructors Ouyporn Khuankaew and Ginger Norwood. “What contributions have women made to peacebuilding? What challenges do women activists face? What changes are needed from men to strengthen women‚s voices? How can feminism, nonviolence and spirituality help shape peace activists? Ouyporn Khuankaew and Ginger Norwood will draw on their Engaged Buddhists roots and their work in Burma, India, Sri Lanka and Thailand as they work with participants to analyze women‚s involvement in peace action, research and education.” Deadline: April 1.
Youth Voices and Peace Activism – Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg, Canada (June 15-19, 2015)
Join us for “Youth Voices and Peace Activism” at the 2015 Canadian School of Peacebuilding with instructors Richard McCutcheon and Brigette DePape. “What role do youth play in shaping movements for peace and social change? What should we be learning from experiences like Idle No More, Arab Spring, Occupy Movement, WTO protests, and PowerShift Canada? Come for an intergenerational conversation on the role of youth in peace movements. Learn activist skills like storytelling, media, and creative nonviolent direct action.” Deadline: April 1.
Human Rights and Peace – Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg, Canada (June 15-19, 2015)
Join us for “Human Rights and Peace” at the 2015 Canadian School of Peacebuilding with instructor Clint Curle. “Human rights concepts and practices have the potential to contribute to peace. This course will examine how this potential is helped and impeded by governments, the UN, NGO‚s, religious groups, corporations, and activists. The course will also explore the ways international and regional human rights mechanisms work in practice and the use of these norms to legitimize armed conflict.” Deadline: April 1.
Pathways to Resilience III: Beyond Nature vs. Nurture? Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada (June 16-19, 2015)
Join Dr. Michael Ungar and Dr. Linda Liebenberg, Co-Directors of the Resilience Research Centre from June 17th-19th, 2015 as we explore the many different aspects of resilience and discuss how the theory is informing research, practice and policy around the world. Come join us a day early, on June 16th, for our pre-conference workshops – featuring eleven world renowned speakers!
Train the Trainer: Working for Conflict Transformation – Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg, Canada (June 22-26, 2015)
Join us for “Train the Trainer: Working for Conflict Transformation” at the 2015 Canadian School of Peacebuilding with instructor Karen Ridd. Courses are available for professional development, personal inspiration or academic credit. “This course is one of the most requested courses in the history of the CSOP and is designed to help participants bring about social change and improve their classroom teaching. this interactive course will help participants create and implement interactive learning tools, increase their „menu‰ of training tools, hone their ability to facilitate discussions, enhance learning, and improve group dynamics.” Deadline: April 1.
Friendship and Peace: The Blackfoot Way – Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg, Canada (June 22-26, 2015)
Join us for “Friendship and Peace: The Blackfoot Way” at the 2015 Canadian School of Peacebuilding with instructor Leroy Little Bear. Courses are available for professional development, personal inspiration or academic credit. “This course offers the opportunity to explore indigenous approaches to peace, justice, and friendship through the Blackfoot worldview, including the notions of constant flux, the relatedness of everything, and the relationship to land. Leroy Little Bear will use a Blackfoot approach to dialogue on these issues. Deadline: April 1.
Peace Psychology – Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg, Canada (June 22-26, 2015)
Join us for “Peace Psychology” at the 2015 Canadian School of Peacebuilding with instructor Daniel Christie. Courses are available for professional development, personal inspiration or academic credit. Peace psychology is an emerging field of theories and practice which promotes harmony and equity in relationships and systems. This course offers the chance to examine patterns of thoughts, feelings, and actions that can help transform conflict and prevent violence as well as grapple with problems of structural violence. In this course, Daniel Christie will use a participatory approach that draws on the principles of harmony and equity in human relations.” Deadline: April 1.
2015 The Hague Symposium on Post-Conflict Transitions & International Justice – Clingendael Institute for International Relations, The Hague, Netherlands (July 4-25, 2015)
Intensive training by world leaders in the skills necessary to holistically restructure a post-conflict society, with a special focus on mechanisms of justice, through formal lectures, site visits to International Tribunals and Courts, and interactive simulations and workshops. Deadline: May 15, 2015
2015 Bologna, Italy Symposium on Conflict Prevention, Resolution, & Reconciliation – Johns Hopkins University SAIS Bologna Center, Bologna, Italy (June 27-July 25, 2015)
Direct training by world leaders in international negotiation, mediation, facilitation, strategic nonviolent action, social entrepreneurship, project planning and design, trauma healing, economics of peace, and more. Optional M.A. credits offered from Johns Hopkins SAIS. Deadline: May 15, 2015
Please note that only newly submitted educational programs will contain a full description. All workshops/trainings that have been previously published in the newsletter will be listed by date with a link to follow for more information.
International Institute on Peace Education 2015. The University of Toledo – Toledo, Ohio USA (July 26 – August 2, 2015)
The International Institute on Peace Education (IIPE) is an applied peace education laboratory that provides a space for pedagogical experimentation; cooperative, deep inquiry into shared issues; and advancing theoretical, practical and pedagogical applications. IIPE 2015 participants, many whom will be drawn from North America, will join with representatives from other world regions in an experience that embodies the practices and principles of critical, participatory peace pedagogy. The residential learning exchange helps to build global community and solidarity; illuminate diverse views; facilitate an exploration of educational applications; and assess possibilities for practical steps toward addressing the theme of “Education for Urban Renewal toward Social & Ecological Justice: Peace Education in an Era of Globalization.” Application deadline: April 15, 2015.
Certificate of Advanced Studies in Human Rights Education – University of Teacher Education Central Switzerland, Luzern, Switzerland (January-December 2014)
For more information click on the link above.
12th Class of the MA in Human Rights and Conflict Management – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy (Classes: January – July 2014 / Internship: August – November/December 2014/January/February 2015 / Final Dissertation presentation: Spring 2015)
For more information click on the link above.
International Workshop on Tolerance and Co-existence in Islam – International Studies Journal (ISJ) and United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) (November 20, 2014)
For more information click on the link above.Registration Deadline: October 10, 2014.
Training in Boal’s and Freire’s approaches with disadvantaged groups (Training under Erasmus plus) – Giolli Cooperativa Sociale, Casaltone, Italy (November 24-29, 2014)
TFor more information click on the link above.Deadline to sign up: October 24, 2014.
USIP Online Course: Cultural Adaptability – United States Institute of Peace (USIP) (December 1-14, 2014)
This course demonstrates how to reframe solutions and deal with local peoples respectfully while addressing real problems on the ground.
Master of Arts in Human Rights Education, School of Education, University of San Francisco, CA, USA (starting in the 2014 Fall semester)
Please click on the link above for more information. (Apply by November 1, 2014 for the Spring semester.)
Master of Arts (level 2) in Peace Education – Department of Languages, Literature and Foreign Cultures, University of Roma Tre, Rome, italy (starting in the 2014 Fall semester) (in Italian)
For more information click on the link above. (in Italian)
USIP Online Course: Demystifying Monitoring and Evaluation for Peacebuilding Initiatives – United States Institute of Peace (USIP) (January 5 – February 1, 2015)
This course is designed for peacebuilding professionals who wish to gain a better understanding of monitoring and evaluation tools and processes for work in conflict-affected environments.
Call for the 10th Africa-Europe Training Course for Youth Organisations in Nairobi-Kenya (January 25-Feb 1, 2015)
The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe is organising the 10th Africa-Europe Training Course for Youth Organisations in Nairobi-Kenya, from 25th January to 1st February 2015. The training course is organised in partnership with the European Youth Forum, the Pan African Youth Union and the Network of International Youth organisations in Africa. The activity is organised in the framework of the Joint Management Agreement between the European Commission – EuropeAid Co-operation Office and the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe. Deadline to submit applications is November 5th.
Call for applications – 2015-2016 cycle of the Master of Advanced Studies in Children’s Rights (MCR) – University of Geneva and University Institute Kurt Bösch (IUKB), Sion, Switzerland (starting on February 2, 2015)
For more information click on the link above. (The MCR 2015-2016 cycle will begin on February 2, 2015 and the deadline for applications is September 30, 2014.)
Learning a New Society – The School for Designing a Society – Urbana, IL (February 2-March 27, 2015)
This Spring, the School for Designing a Society invites you to collaborate with us on Designing Education. The academic education system is a major instrument for the maintenance of a culture of silence in the current society. Rather than liberating students to create a desired future system, it brainwashes students to defend the logic of the present one. But this is untenable: we live in times where the monumental problems we face cannot be solved without critical thinking.Can education be a subversive force, rather than an instrument of conformity? Can we design education such that it provides us with new insight, new models, new hope as we face our own situation?
USIP Online Course: Introduction to Negotiation and Conflict Management – United states Institute of Peace (USIP) (February 2 – March 1, 2015)
This course provides a thorough conceptual framework to help practitioners structure their efforts in negotiation.This course includes theoretical and practical investigations of hard-bargaining vs. problem-solving approaches, interests vs. positions, value distribution vs. value creation, coercive leverage vs. normative leverage, short-term agreements vs. long-term relationships and other considerations necessary to the development of effective overall negotiating strategies.
USIP Online Course: Global Religious Engagement – United states Institute of Peace (USIP) (March 2 – 29, 2015)
This course presents a set of “soft skills” for participants who engage with religious peoples for partnerships, programming and project implementation. It touches on often-contested issues such as gender and women’s voices, religious freedom, discussing personal beliefs in the public sphere, and how to integrate religion and programming. Participants will finish the course with a command of best practices for working on sensitive issues with communities of faith.
Human Rights Education Beyond Universalism and Relativism: A Relational Hermeneutic for Global Justice
(Fuad Al-Daraweesh & Dale T. Snauwaert) Human Rights Education Beyond Universalism and Relativism transcends the long-standing debate concerning universalism and cultural relativism in the human rights discourse by offering a culturally-sensitive, freestanding conceptualization of human rights. One of the most controversial issues in the theory of human rights is the conflict between two diametrically opposed schools of thought: universalism and relativism. From a framework of relational and hermeneutic epistemological methodology, and an approach to human rights education as a means to realize global justice, Al-Daraweesh and Snauwaert explore the idea of fusion of horizons as an essential process that values each tradition of human rights as a valid dialogical element in the epistemology.
A People’s Curriculum for the Earth: Teaching Climate Change and the Environmental Crisis
(Rethinking Schools) Five years in the making, A People’s Curriculum for the Earth is a collection of articles, role plays, simulations, stories, poems, and graphics to help breathe life into teaching about the environmental crisis. The book features some of the best articles from Rethinking Schools magazine alongside classroom-friendly readings on climate change, energy, water, food, and pollution as well as on people who are working to make things better. A People’s Curriculum for the Earth has the breadth and depth of Rethinking Globalization: Teaching for Justice in an Unjust World, one of the most popular books we’ve published. At a time when it’s becoming increasingly obvious that life on Earth is at risk, here is a resource that helps students see what‚s wrong and imagine solutions. Available December 1.
New Berghof Handbook Article on Peace Education
A new core article in the Berghof Handbook for Conflict Transformation, authored by Uli Jäger, provides an in-depth assessment of peace education and its role in encouraging and enhancing conflict transformation. The first part of his contribution develops a basic concept of internationally oriented, context-related and process-oriented peace education with clearly defined target groups. Against this background, the second part presents a comprehensive and practical approach to peace education in crisis and conflict regions, the aim being to promote conflict transformation. In this context, a fundamental distinction is made between direct peace education (encounter, inspiration, training) and structural peace education (pilot projects, curricula, implementation). The context-related interaction between these two basic forms is identified as a promising approach and offered up for discussion. Brief case studies from the practice of peace education are presented for the purpose of illustration. The summary at the end of the paper presents conclusions, unanswered questions and development priorities for researchers, practitioners and policy-makers.
9/11 and Collective Memory in US Classrooms: Teaching About Terror
(Cheryl Lynn Duckworth) While current literature stresses the importance of teaching about the 9/11 attacks on the US, many questions remain as to what teachers are actually teaching in their own classrooms. Few studies address how teachers are using of all of this advice and curriculum, what sorts of activities they are undertaking, and how they go about deciding what they will do. Arguing that the events of 9/11 have become a “chosen trauma” for the US, author Cheryl Duckworth investigates how 9/11 is being taught in classrooms (if at all) and what narrative is being passed on to today‚s students about that day. Using quantitative and qualitative data gathered from US middle and high school teachers, this volume reflects on foreign policy developments and trends since September 11th, 2001 and analyzes what this might suggest for future trends in U.S. foreign policy. The understanding that the “post-9/11 generation” has of what happened and what it means is significant to how Americans will view foreign policy in the coming decades (especially in the Islamic World) and whether it is likely to generate war or foster peace.
Call for Papers – Special Issue of the Journal for Peace and Justice Studies on “Peace, Justice and Education”
The Journal for Peace and Justice Studies is planning a special issue in 2015 on the topic of Peace, Justice and Education. Please submit your original manuscript or book review by email at the link above and mark it “special issue.” Manuscript submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter containing all contact information and title of the essay. No identifying information may be in the submission itself. All manuscripts submitted for publication must be prepared for blind review. Articles should be double-spaced throughout. An abstract of 100 to 150 words and a bibliography must be included with the submission. Authors are advised to use inclusive language throughout the manuscript, and the follow the Chicago Manual Style Sheet (CMS). Deadline for submissions: December 31, 2014.
Whirled Peas Podcast: The Dawson Centre for Peace Education
The Dawson Centre for Peace Education launched the Whirled Peas Podcast in September this year to coincide with their official opening and the launch of their new Peace Studies Certificate. The monthly podcast features four episodes. Episode 1: The Story of the Dawson Peace Centre. Episode 2: Sustainable Happiness. Episode 3: A Life Practice of Nonviolence – plus a podcast extra – an audio essay proposing a nonviolent approach to ending violence against women. Episode 4: (to be aired December 5, 2014)
Please note that only new submitted job postings will contain a description. All jobs that have been previously published in the newsletter will be listed with a link for more information.
School Speaker: Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (East Midlands, United Kingdom)
The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) is looking for school speaker volunteers to deliver assembly talks and classroom workshops on peace and nuclear issues. These positions would suit anyone with an interest in, working with children and young people, peace and conflict issues, and issues relating to nuclear weapons, training and public speaking. It‚s a great chance to develop new skills and gain experience working with young people.
Two Full-time, Tenure-track Positions in Peace and Justice – University of San Diego Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies
The Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies at the University of San Diego invites applications for two full-time, tenure-track, positions in the field of Peace and Justice. One position is for an Assistant Professor and the second is open to the rank of advanced Assistant, Associate or Full Professor. The appointments are expected to begin on September 1, 2015. The successful candidates must have a PhD in hand at the time of appointment and scholarly publications and teaching experience appropriate to the rank. A multidisciplinary approach and a global mindset are central to the School’s philosophy. Areas of priority are: environmental and social justice, peace economics, religion and peacebuilding, conflict resolution, human rights, and peace through commerce. However, applications from other specializations related to peace and justice are welcome. To apply, go to www.sandiego.edu/jobs and look for job #IRC15287. Review of applications will begin on December 15, 2014; however, applications will continue to be accepted until the positions are filled.
Tenured Professor and Director in Negotiation, Conflict Resolution & Peacebuilding
The faculty of the Negotiation, Conflict Resolution & Peacebuilding Program at California State University Dominguez Hills invites applications from individuals for a Tenured Professor and Director position in the Negotiation, Conflict Resolution & Peacebuilding Program. The Position: serve as director of the program; provide course scheduling, curriculum design and revision; teach graduate-level as well as undergraduate-level courses on campus and online (distance learning) in the field of negotiation, conflict resolution & peacebuilding; engage in community service; and maintain a respectable output of peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations. While the position will remain open until filled, review of applications, consisting of a current CV, cover letter, list of 3 references, and a peer-reviewed writing sample will begin October 1, 2014. Applications should be submitted online.
Three Year Visiting Professorship in Peace, Justice, and Human Rights – Haverford College
Haverford College invites applications for a three-year visiting Assistant Professor (with possibility of renewal) in its Peace, Justice and Human Rights Program. The position is open to scholars at all pre-tenure levels with training in the humanities or social sciences who focus in their work on questions of justice, peace and conflict, human rights and related fields, with special attention to ethics or ethical leadership. Candidates should be able to teach an applied ethics course in issues of global justice and/or an introductory course on peace, justice and human rights, as well as offer more specialized courses. In order to receive full consideration, all materials must be uploaded to Interfolio by February 6, 2015. |